It is easy to guess that the construction helmet is not just a “decoration” for the head, but also the most reliable means of protection on the site. It still doesn’t have to catch bricks, but if the worst happens, no one will refuse something else between a few kilograms of burnt clay moving downward at a free fall speed. At the same time, not everyone knows that building helmets are painted in different colors for a reason. The meaning of helmet colors of construction sites →
1. White helmet
In the west, a white helmet is worn only by representatives of the management or audit staff of an enterprise (organization). At the construction site, such protective equipment is usually for people who have graduated from a construction educational institution and have received appropriate engineering education. Also, white helmets are put to inspectors from different authorities.
2. Yellow helmet
People in yellow helmets are the main workforce at the construction site. These helmets are worn first of all by auxiliary workers who work according to plan and carry out instructions from the project management team.
3. Blue helmet
Blue protective gear is worn by people who work at high heights, including those who work on cranes. In addition, blue helmets are worn by electricians working in the early and middle stages of the building's construction.
4. Green helmet
The rarest helmet of all that can be found on a construction site. All because rather specific specialists wear them. Namely, people involved in the safety of builders.
5. Black helmet
A black helmet is also very rare. All because wearing it with great probability will be someone from the top of the leadership team. In addition, black helmets are relied upon by architects present at the site of the building.
6. Red helmet
Helmets of "increased importance." Red color, as you know, makes you pay more attention to yourself. Accordingly, they wear such head protection at the construction site or guests who have arrived to observe the successes of builders, or students, or specialists who have just come to work.
7. Orange helmet
Finally, we got to the orange helmet. In the West, these are laid only one specialty, namely - to surveyors. People whose main task is to carry out all kinds of measurements before and during construction.
Thanks...very informative